Exams For Eye Health, Visual Comfort And Urgent Care
Many health conditions and medications can have an impact on the eye and vision. Sometimes further follow ups are required outside of the routine exam in order to assess and monitor for these changes. These additional tests and evaluations may possibly lead to referrals to other health care providers in order to manage the conditions. Conditions like amblyopia, or lazy eyes, can also impact overall vision and can sometimes be a result of health issues and will require detailed testing to optimize the vision.
Please note all SENIORS and CHILDREN are covered for all eye health visits by OHIP, even if they have been seen for a routine exam the same year.
Diabetes and the Eye
Diabetes can affect various parts of the eye and vision including as well as the comfort of the eye. These are all things we will assess during your visit. Diabetes that affects the blood vessels and tissue inside the eye is called diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes and it is one of the top causes of blindness in adults in North America. Patients with diabetes are more likely to develop eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma, but the disease’s effect on the retina is the main threat to vision. Most patients develop diabetic changes in the retina after approximately 20 years but these changes can occur as early as 5 years after diagnosis often depending on the blood sugar control. A routine dilated exam is required to help monitor for changes related to diabetes.
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in North American next to Diabetes. In many, this condition may not severely impact the vision and is often referred to as dry macular degeneration. In a certain percentage of patients, this degeneration can deteriorate significantly, also known as wet macular degeneration, and can lead to significant vision loss over time. Fortunately, there are certain interventions and treatments available for this condition so monitoring is the key to maintaining vision. How frequently we monitor depends on how high your risk is and the condition of your eyes. Genetic factors, UV exposure and cigarette smoking are all significant factors in the development of wet macular degeneration. One of the keys to monitoring for changes in this condition is using an Amsler Grid at home. You can get your own copy of the Amsler Grid by clicking here. If not, please ask us and we will gladly give you your own Amsler Grid.
Urgent Care
We will always do our best to assess urgent care patients or at least direct them to the appropriate caregiver. Please call as soon as you can and we will see you as soon as possible, the same day. Whether it’s an eye infection, mild injury or something uncomfortable in the eye we will assess you and recommend the appropriate treatment. If you require further referrals or even a trip to the emergency room, we will help arrange this care to the best of our ability to ensure that you get the best care possible. If you have a more severe injury please call so we can determine whether it makes sense for you to come to the clinic. Please note, although this care is urgent, it is not always covered by OHIP. Some insurances will cover the fees for urgent care but we will always ensure we will provide the best possible care within your means
Brain trauma - including Concussions and Strokes
Did you know that vision comprises more than half the brain’s functions and uses more of the brain than all the other senses combined? It is no surprise then, that any injury to the brain can have some impact on the vision and possibly, how the eyes work together. Depending on where the injury occurs different symptoms can appear including, dizziness, headaches, vertigo, double vision, nausea and light sensitivity.
If you have had any head or brain injury, regardless of if it is recent or from years ago, please let us know so that we can do an assessment in order to see if vision therapy can help with regaining visual comfort and function. Please speak to us if you have ever experienced any type of brain trauma and have ongoing vision concerns. Much like any other type of therapy, vision therapy is customized for these individuals based on their issues and is focused on rehabilitation so that normal function can resume.
Computer Vision Syndrome
The use of computers and screens today is prevalent both for business and leisure regardless of age. Many people spend hours in front of a screen which can definitely have an impact on the eyes. Whether it is a student doing homework on a computer or an individual working at the office or from home, we hear many complaints about the symptoms that can arise from prolonged use of electronic devices. These include eye discomfort, fatigue, dry eyes, headaches, intermittent blurry vision and eye strain.
Once we have a better idea of how you use electronic devices and the problems you're having we can make various suggestions to help alleviate the issues. This may include specific computer glasses, eye drops, vision hygiene and vision therapy.